Getting Things Done

Over the past 4 years, Matt has worked hard to ensure that Stockton West and its constituents receive the best that this Government has to offer. From over £150m in Levelling up funding and public investment to a crack-down on Anti-social behaviour and crime, Matt has fought tooth and nail for his community and made sure to deliver on his 2019 promises.

Below are some of his achievements to date:


  • A NEW diagnostic hospital for Stockton to bring down waiting lists and decrease diagnosis waiting times
  • Successfully campaigned to SAVE Thornaby Station ticket office
  • £150m investment to bring a brand-new bus and railway station to Teesside Park
  • Successfully campaigned to SAVE the vital No.17 bus service
  • £10m investment to deliver improvements to Thornaby Train Station 
  • Over £3m for a brand-new Mental Health Hub - Brook House
  • Over £3.3m in cost of living support for Stockton households
  • Freeport Status for a new Business Park at the airport to create thousands of jobs
  • Campaigned for tougher measures against off-road bikes plaguing our streets
  • £23.9m Thornaby Town Fund to improve housing, a community centre, the town centre and loyal cycle ways and a new swimming pool 
  • £16.5m of Future High Streets Funding to improve Stockton Town Centre
  • £20m of funding to improve Preston Park, deliver cycle lane & improve Yarm Town Centre
  • Over £1.5m of investments to protect bus services
  • £57.5m of upgrades and improvement to local schools
  • £40m invested in North Tees & James Cook Hospitals including a new respiratory unit and radiology unit upgrade
  • £28m rollout of super-fast fibre to the property broadband
  • Holding housing developers to account for mismanaged developments 
  • 267 MORE police officers on Cleveland's streets
  • Over £3.5m to boost drug and alcohol treatment and recovery
  • New Car Park and Public Toilet for Yarm
  • £15.5m to upgrade Eaglescliffe Station with a new car park, improved access and a new road in from Durham Road
  • Nearly £2m of funding for grassroots facilities 
  • More enforcement officers/street wardens
  • A new skills hub to help young people learn skills and secure great jobs
  • Huge investment in local parks and play areas

And even with all of those achievements, Matt is not stopping there. Matt is continuing to try and get pushed through:

  • Even MORE investment in our local hospitals
  • Continuing to call on the council to secure The Golden Eagle site for redevelopment
  • More police & enforcement officers and the re-opening of a police base in west Stockton
  • More investment in parks and playareas
  • Improvements to road safety on our local roads
  • Continuing the fight against overdevelopment